Mr. Luis Flores-Bravo, age 16, of 1800 Freeman St., Lot 1, Wilson passed away on Friday, July 20, 2018. Funeral service will be held Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 12 pm at Bible Missionary Baptist Church, Wilson. Interment will follow in Maplewood Cemetery.
A viewing will be held Friday, July 27, 2018 from 4 pm to 7 pm at Carrons Funeral Home, 325 East Nash St., Wilson. The family will receive friends at the residence, and will assemble there at 11 am on Saturday in preparation for the funeral procession. Please remember the Flores-Bravo family during this very difficult time. Condolences may be directed to or faxed to 252.237.0120. They may also be emailed to
Sr. Luis Flores-Bravo, 16 anos de edad, 1800 Freeman St. Lote 1, Wilson fallecio' el viernes 20 de julio de 2018. Servicio funerario se llevara' a cabo el sa'bado 28 de julio de 2018 a las 12 pm en la lglesia Bautista Misionera Biblica, (Missionary Baptist Church) 2833 Tilghman Rd. N. Wilson NC 27896. Seguira' el sepelio en el cementerio de Maplewood. Se realizara' una visita el viernes. 27 de julio de 2018 de 4 pm a 7pm en Carrons Funeral Home, 325 East Nash St. Wilson. La familia recibira' amigos en la residencia.