Joseph "Jo-Jo" Hammonds, Jr. age 61 of 3301 Zebulon Rd, Zebulon, North Carolina passed away on Friday, July 11, 2014 at Wake Medical Center, Raleigh, North Carolina. Service celebrating his life and legacy will be held Saturday, July 19, 2014 at 1 pm at Carrons Funeral Home, Wilson, North Carolina. Rev. Russell Miller will officiate. Interment will follow in Rest...
Funeral service for Dorothy Mae White Lewis age 70 of 704 Randolph St, Wilson, NC who passed away on Saturday, July 5, 2014 at Vidant Medical Center, Greenville, NC will be held Sunday, July 13, 2014 at 12 pm at Faith Temple Church 402 Minchew St, Wilson. Dr. Ernestine McGee will officiate. Interment will follow in Hamilton Burial Garden. A...
Delores Jean Short Koroma age 72 of Greenbelt, MD formerly of Wilson passed away on Saturday in Rockville, MD. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Andre Lamont Chapman, Sr. age 45 of 809 Gold St, Wilson, NC passed away on Friday, June 27, 2014 at his residence. Funeral service will be held Wednesday at 4 pm at Carrons Funeral Home. Dr. Cedric Murphy will officiate. Private interment will be held at a later time. The family will receive friends at the residence and will assemble...
Marcianne Ellis age 57 of Wilson passed on Sunday, June 22, 2014 at Vidant Medical Center, Greenville, NC. A memorial service will be held Saturday at 11 am at Carrons Funeral Home. Dr. Michael Clanton will officiate. Private interment will be held at a later time. The family will assemble at Carrons Funeral Home at 10:15 am on Saturday in...
Funeral service for Annie Doris Moore age 57 of 4781 Pine St, Bailey, NC who passed away on Friday, June 20, 2014 at the Vidant Medical Center, Greenville, NC will be held Wednesday at 1 pm at L.N. Forbes Original Free Will Baptist Tabernacle 1800 Lane St, Wilson, NC. Interment will follow in Rest Haven Cemtery. The family will receive...
A celebration of the life of William Lester Artis age 65 of 1906 Claremont Circle, Wilson, NC who passed on Thursday, June 19, 2014 at his residence will be held Tuesday at 11 am at L.N. Forbes Original Free Will Baptist Tabernacle 1800 Lane St, Wilson. Bishop Willie Thomas will officiate. Interment will follow in Rest Haven Cemetery Veterans Section....
William Wayne Applewhite age 53 of 1801 Fountain Dr, Wilson passed away on Monday, June 16, 2014 at Wilson Medical Center. A memorial service will be held Sunday at 2 pm at Carrons Funeral Home. Private interment will be held later. A viewing will be held Saturday from 2 pm to 6 pm at Carrons Funeral Home. The family will...
Maggie Boddie Fields age 67 of 1819 Butterfield Ln, Wilson, NC passed on Sunday, June 15, 2014 at Wilson Medical Center. A memorial service will be held Friday at 12 pm at Carrons Funeral Home. Apostle Rodney C. Brown will officiate. Private interment will be held later. A viewing will be held Friday from 9 am to 11:45 am at...
Clarence Yelverton age 76 of 118 Southerland St, Durham, NC formerly of Wilson, NC passed away peacefully on Thursday, June 19, 2014. A celebration of his life and legacy will be held Sunday at 2 pm at Union Baptist Church 904 N. Roxboro St, Durham. Dr. Kenneth Hammond will officiate. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Durham. A viewing...
Deacon Fred Douglas Ellis age 82 of 6164 NC Highway 58 Stantonsburg, NC passed away on Sunday at Wilson Pines Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center. Deacon Ellis was affectionately known to family and friends as "Jimmy". A celebration of his life and legacy will be held Friday at 12 pm at Evening Lights Holiness Church 208 S. Pender St, Wilson....
Christine Hoskins Artis age 74 of 2816 Daisy Lane, Wilson, NC passed away Saturday, June 7, 2014 at UNC Hospital Chapel Hill, NC. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. The family is receiving friends at the residence.
Funeral service for Edgar David Sanchez Garcia age 27 of 5704Dove Rd, Wilson who passed away on Saturday, June 7, 2014 will be held Wednesday at 12 pm at St. Therese Catholic Church 700 Nash St, Wilson. Interment will follow in Maplewood Cemetery. The family will assemble at Carrons Funeral Home one hour prior to service in preparation for the...
James Arthur Alston age 73 of 7943 NC Highway 222 East, Saratoga passed away on Sunday, June 1, 2014 at his residence. James was affectionately known as "Wallace" by his family and friends. He was the son of Eva Mae Fields Alston and the late Archie Eason Alston. Funeral service will be held Saturday at 1 pm at Piney Grove...
Anthony DeShawn Bryant, Jr. age 14 of 1107 Herring Ave, Wilson passed away on Friday, May 23, 2014 at his residence. Funeral service will be held Saturday at 1 pm at the Surge Center, Raleigh Rd. Pkwy, Wilson, NC. Interment will follow in Rest Haven Cemetery. A viewing will be held Friday from 4 pm to 7 pm at Carrons...
Glaster Lee Bullock Russell age 58 of 6918 Sims School Rd, Sims, NC passed away on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at her residence. Funeral service will be held Sunday at 2 pm at Atkins Memorial Tabernacle 6740 Rock Ridge Sims Rd, Sims. Interment will follow in the St. Mark Apostolic Church Cemetery, Sims. A viewing will be held Saturday from...
Thomas Lee "Tom" Smith age 65 of 4353 River Isle Rd, Elm City, NC passed away on Monday. Memorial service will be held Monday at 2 pm at Carrons Funeral Home. The family is receiving friends at the residence.
Nettie Perry Lucas age 101 of 403 Lynn Ave, Fayetteville, NC formerly of Wilson, NC passed on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at her residence. A celebration of her life and legacy will be held Wednesday at 11 am at St. Rose Church of Christ Disciples of Christ 605 S. Douglas St, Wilson, NC. Minister Patsy Webb will officiate. Interment will...
Funeral service for Retha Mae "Ree" Barnes age 72 of 151 King Rd, Apt 2A Ramseur, NC formerly of Wilson, NC who passed away on Monday, May 12, 2014 at Randolph Hospital in Asheboro, NC will be held Sunday at 1:30 pm at Carrons Funeral Home. Rev. Dexter Trogdon will officiate. Interment will follow in Rest Haven Cemetery. A viewing...
Mr. Franklin Smith age 90 of 615 Trinity Dr, Wilson, NC passed away on Monday, May 12, 2014 at Avante' of Wilson, NC. A celebration of his life and legacy will be held Saturday at 12 noon at St. Paul Church of Christ 4009 Lake Wilson Rd, Wilson. Bishop Lavon Hughes will be the eulogist, and Bishop Ronald Frazier will...